An-Naafi (The Benefactor)

2 min readDec 10, 2020


The Attribute of Al-Naafi’ (An-Naafi’) is very manifest and doesn’t need examples. Every one of the mankind is enjoing numerous benefits day and night. All of the benefits are given by Allah azza wa Jall alone. In the light of the Holy Quraan and hadeeth, it is very clear that if the whole world wants to benefit you by something, she cannot benefit you except by the thing that Allah Ta’aala decreed for you. Similarly, if the whole world wants to harm you by something, she cannot not except by the thing that Allah decreed for you. So we must bow down only to Allah for anything that we need or want.

We know from the Holy Quraan, the way of the Prophets alaihim salaam that they always attributed good and benefits to Allah but they didn’t attribute harms to Allah. For e.g. we see in the verse 10 of the Surah Al-Jinn:

10. And we do not know [therefore] whether evil is intended for those on earth or whether their Lord intends for them a right course.

At the time of the revelation of the Holy Quraan, the guarding of the worldly heaven became very strict, so much strict that if a Jinn heard something from the heaven, he was targeted by a shooting star!!!. This type of security measures were taken to prevent eavesdropping, so that no jinn would be able to eavesdrop and thus would not be able to interfere with the Divine communication with the prophet Muhammad (Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon him).

The Jinn understood that something special was going to happen to the people of the earth, but they could not know what was going to happen. So they discussed the situation with each other. When they thought about some evil, they said: “whether evil is intended for those on earth”. But when they spoke about the right course, they said: “or whether their Lord intends for them a right course”.

Thus good is attributed to Allah while the happening of the harm/evil is not attributed to Allah Azza wa Jall. Similarly, there are many other places in the Holy Quraan where good is attributed to Allah Ta’aala and not bad happenings. Ibrheem alaihi salaam said: “when I become sick then HE (Allah) cures me. Thus Ibraheem alaihi salaam attributed only good to Allah Azza Wa Jall. This way is used for the Honor of Allah Azza wa Jall. But also there is a deep reason for it. The reason is that Allah Ta’aala is a Uniquely Kind Sovereign and Lord. Allah is bestowing numerous blessings on mankind. But Allah’s Justice happens due to the transgression of a person. Therefore the transgressor is to be blamed and not Allah Azza wa Jall.

